Basic Pathology

 Introduction to Pathology

Pathology is the study of diseases –  their cause, how they progress, the changes they induce in the body and the structural and functional abnormalities associated with them. It serves as the bridge between basic sciences and clinical medicine. By understanding the abnormal changes in the body caused by disease, pathologists can aid in diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of patients.

Image of Microscope used in pathologyOpens in a new window

Microscope used in pathology

2. Fields of Pathology

Pathology is a broad field encompassing various subspecialties, each focusing on a specific organ system or type of disease. Here's a glimpse into some of the major fields of pathology:

Anatomic Pathology - examines organs, tissues, and cells to diagnose diseases. This often involves biopsies and surgical specimens.

Clinical Pathology - analyzes body fluids, blood, and other specimens to diagnose and monitor diseases.

Neuropathology - studies diseases of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.

Hematopathology - focuses on diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, such as bone marrow, lymph nodes, and spleen.

Immunopathology - studies how the immune system functions in health and disease.

Forensic Pathology - investigates deaths to determine the cause and manner of death.

3. Importance of Pathology

Pathology plays a critical role in modern medicine by:

Providing a Diagnosis: Pathology plays a pivotal role in diagnosing diseases. Through laboratory tests, tissue analysis, and other procedures, pathologists can identify the underlying cause of a patient's illness.

Guiding Treatment: An accurate diagnosis allows for the most effective course of treatment to be determined.

Monitoring Disease Progression: Pathology tests can be used to monitor how a patient responds to treatment and track the progression of a disease.

Developing New Treatments: Pathological research helps in understanding the mechanisms of diseases, which is crucial for developing new and more effective treatments.

4. Application of Pathology in Laboratory Diagnosis

Pathology plays a central role in laboratory diagnosis through various tests, including:

Biopsy: A sample of tissue is extracted from the body for microscopic examination to diagnose cancer or other diseases.

Cytology (Pap Smear): Cells are collected from a specific area, such as the cervix, and examined under a microscope for abnormalities.

Blood Tests: Blood is analyzed to assess various parameters like cell counts, presence of abnormal cells, and chemical imbalances.

Urinalysis: Urine is examined to detect abnormalities that may indicate underlying health problems.

Microbiology: Body fluids or tissues are cultured to identify infectious agents like bacteria, viruses, or fungi.

These are just a few examples of how pathology is used in laboratory diagnosis. Pathologists play a vital role in ensuring accurate and timely diagnoses, which is essential for optimal patient care. 

 Blood is a fluid connective tissue that is essential for life

Blood is a fluid connective tissue that is essential for life. It circulates throughout the body transporting various substances, including nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and waste products. Blood also plays a critical role in fighting infection, maintaining body temperature, and regulating pH.

Blood is composed of several components, including:

Plasma: The liquid portion of blood, which is about 55% of total blood volume. Plasma is mostly water, but it also contains dissolved proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, hormones, and waste products.
Image of Plasma blood
Red blood cells (RBCs): These are the most abundant type of blood cell. RBCs are responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body. They contain a protein called hemoglobin, which gives blood its red color and binds to oxygen. The normal range for RBC count is 4.5 to 5.9 million cells per microliter (mcL) for men and 4.2 to 5.4 million cells/mcL for women.
Image of Red blood cells
White blood cells (WBCs): These cells are part of the body's immune system and help fight infection. WBCs make up less than 1% of total blood volume. The normal range for WBC count is 4,500 to 11,000 cells/mcL.
Image of White blood cells
Platelets: These are tiny cell fragments that are involved in blood clotting. Platelets help to form clots at the site of injury to prevent bleeding. The normal range for platelet count is 150,000 to 450,000 platelets/mcL.
Image of Platelets blood

Blood pH refers to the measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of blood. A normal blood pH is slightly basic, ranging from 7.35 to 7.45.

Here's a table summarizing the normal ranges for these blood components:

ComponentNormal Range
Red blood cells (RBCs)Men: 4.5 to 5.9 million cells/mcL <br> Women: 4.2 to 5.4 million cells/mcL
White blood cells (WBCs)4,500 to 11,000 cells/mcL
Platelets150,000 to 450,000 platelets/mcL
Blood pH7.35 to 7.45
It's important to note that these are just general ranges, and the specific values may vary slightly depending on factors such as age, sex, and altitude. If you have any concerns about your blood test results, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional.

    The circulatory system

     The circulatory system, also known as the cardiovascular system, works alongside several associate organs to keep your body functioning smoothly. Here's a breakdown of some key ones:

    1. Heart:

    • Function: The heart acts as the powerhouse, pumping blood throughout the body via rhythmic contractions.
    • Structure:
      • Four chambers: Two upper atria receive blood, and two lower ventricles pump it out.
      • Valves regulate blood flow between chambers and into major arteries.
      • Thick muscular walls for powerful contractions.
    • Mechanism: Electrical impulses trigger coordinated contractions, pushing blood through the circulatory system.

    2. Blood vessels:

    • Function: These form a network of tubes transporting blood throughout the body.
    • Types:
      • Arteries: Carry oxygenated blood away from the heart, with thick elastic walls to withstand high pressure.
      • Veins: Carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart, with thinner walls and valves to prevent backflow.
      • Capillaries: Microscopic vessels where gas and nutrient exchange occurs between blood and cells.
    • Mechanism: Arteries constrict and dilate to regulate blood flow based on body needs. Veins use surrounding muscle contractions to propel blood.

    3. Lymphatic system:

    • Function: Drains interstitial fluid (between cells) and filters out toxins and pathogens.
    • Structure: A network of vessels and nodes.
    • Mechanism: Lymph fluid flows passively via pressure changes and muscle contractions. Nodes filter out debris and produce immune cells.

    4. Spleen:

    • Function: Filters blood, removes old red blood cells, and stores platelets.
    • Structure: Located in the abdomen, soft and spongy.
    • Mechanism: Filters blood through red pulp and white pulp areas, removing damaged cells and supporting immune function.

    5. Bone marrow:

    • Function: Produces red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
    • Structure: Found inside bones, spongy tissue rich in blood vessels.
    • Mechanism: Stem cells in bone marrow differentiate into various blood cell types, replenishing the circulatory system.

    These are just some of the associate organs in the circulatory system. Each plays a vital role in maintaining blood flow, delivering oxygen and nutrients, removing waste, and fighting infection. Their intricate structures and mechanisms work together to keep your body alive and functioning at its best.

    Is there a specific associate organ you'd like to know more about?


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